Wall Mount Hockey Puck Holders




Being a hockey fan for several years, I had collected pucks from both major and minor league teams, traveling to arenas from Anchorage, Alaska to Belfast, Northern Ireland.  At first I just sat them on a shelf in my office, then I mounted them on the wall with the use of large screws...

Since I didn't care for the real estate the pucks took up sitting on my shelf, and the appearance of screws was unattractive I soon found myself searching the internet for a way to properly mount them on my wall.  All I could find were expensive frames for single pucks and even more expensive frames that held thirty pucks and thought to myself "there's got to be a better way".

So I sat down with pencil and paper and designed the Puckcup.  My first prototype was made from cardboard and tape but it served its purpose and showed me my designs were on the right track.  I then refined my drawings, had AutoCAD files produced, which were then used to manufacture my first prototype.  While the first prototype was good, I knew improvements had to be made.  So it was back to the drawing board for more corrections and more prototypes.  Once I had a prototype to my liking I started showing it to family, friends, hockey fans, arena employees, strangers, and anyone else that would shoot down my idea and tell me not to waste my time and efforts.  But it was through their support, suggestions and encouragement that I proceeded on my way and began production.

What you see today is the results of those efforts.  A hockey puck holder that is both inexpensive and effective.  The small footprint and use of black ABS plastic make the Puckcup virtually invisible when displaying a puck.

So enjoy the freedom to display your pucks, your way.

Jeff Schonzeit
Owner, JCI Products